Jo Browne – Lockdown was her time to shine

Jo Browne, owner and founder of Jo Browne Natural Solid Perfume, started her business in 2016 after spotting a gap in the market. A holistic therapist by trade, she noticed a lack of options for solid perfume and cologne. The benefits of solid perfume, she says, are that it’s non-spill, there’s no waste and it’s lightweight for carrying and travel. And because a solid perfume doesn’t need help drying, it contains no alcohol or irritants. Her collection grew fast to include skincare, aroma diffusers, and a bamboo pillowcase collection. Essential oils are at the heart of her brand, which she says are her passion because of their natural capacity for healing, invigorating and calming.
After a strong start to the year, she had to face her biggest business challenge yet – letting go of three of her staff.
Determined not to let it be permanent, she worked hard on her online business, often staying up through the night packing orders with her husband.
By keeping her online business active, she turned things around and is now confident she will be able to get her staff back by September.
Hers is a story of resilience. From the get-go she made the decision that her greatest challenge was going to be her “time to shine.” She poured her energy into improving her website and expanding her product range and the results are impressive. She has just launched two new products, a scrub and a body oil, and says they are already proving to be a hit with customers. She will also be launching her full bamboo bedding range in August, to compliment her existing bedding range, as well as and a new Vit C Oil in September.
She’s grateful for the support she has received, which kept her going. “I truly believe in my company and products and was determined to keep going at all costs. With family support and a lot of hard work, that has been possible.”

#SupportLocal #ChampionGreen
Local support means so much to her business, she says. From the local post office, the courier driver, the local printers and her web developer and staff, the people that support the running of her business are all local. She’s mindful of her role in supporting these businesses with her own, which was huge motivation for her to continuing to thrive against the odds. If one business struggles, she says, it has a massive knock-on effect on the people and businesses connected to it, which shows how interdependent we all are.
To give back to the community during lockdown, she donated free hand sanitisers to local charities that needed them, as well as offering them at a discounted price on her website.
You can browse her full collection here.
Champion Green is supported by @KilkennyShop and @VisaIreland, in association with @sfa_irl, @retail_excellence and Chambers Ireland.